

8 Day Clock with Grasshopper Escapement

This original clock design features a “grasshopper escapement”, invented around 1722 as a way to minimize sliding friction and the need for lubrication. It imparts a wonderful sense of movement to the mechanism as it gracefully toggles back and forth.

Built entirely by hand, this weight driven clock will run for 8 days before it needs to be wound.

To help maintain an accuracy of approximately 2 seconds per day, the pendulum automatically compensates for any changes in temperature (one of the largest sources of errors) and a built in “maintaining power” ensures that the clock continues to run while being wound.

Technical Details

Materials: Jatoba and Birds Eye Maple with Pauduk accents

Finish: Hand rubbed shellac, Wax

Dimensions: 12” (w) x 48” (h) x 12” (d)

Price: $8,800

For more details, contact me.