Portfolio of Previous Work



R1 - "Number Six"

A Clayton Boyer design

This Clayton Boyer design was the very first clock I built and since then, I've built 2 more. The version pictured here is the most recent. With each iteration I have learned something new. With its large wheels and pallets, it is soothing to watch as it ticks away the hours. More details on this design, and interpretations by other builders, can be found on Clayton Boyer's website.

This version is made from Sapele, Ash, Quartersawn Oak, Red Heart

Price: Not for sale

R2 - "Solaris"

A Clayton Boyer design

Solaris’ large wheels and unique Arnfield gravity escapement draw the eye and the ear to this clock. The escapement has a distinctive and very pleasing sound to it. More details on this design, and interpretations by other builders, can be found on Clayton Boyer's website.

This version is made from Mahogany, Cherry, Quartersawn Oak, Padauk

Price: Not for sale

R3 - "Hawaiian Time"

A Clayton Boyer design

Clayton’s original design uses the koa wood and lava rocks easily found in his home state of Hawaii. For the Minnesota version, I turned to beautiful hardwoods and brass. The unique features of this clock include the sweep second hand (located just in front of the pendulum) and dual weights.

More details on this design, and interpretations by other builders, can be found on Clayton Boyer's website.

This version is made from Mahogany, Cherry, Quartersawn Oak, Ebony

Price: Not for sale

R4 - "Bird of Paradise"

A Clayton Boyer design

As a sailor I’m intrigued by the role of accurate timekeeping as a method for determining navigational positioning in the 1700s. The “grasshopper” escapement featured in this clock, was originally invented by the British clockmaker John Harrison in an attempt to make a reliable seagoing version of his wooden pendulum clocks in hopes of winning the “Longitude Prize” offered by the British government for a simple and practical method of determining a ship’s longitude at sea. This escapement was featured in his Sea Clocks H1-H3 but unfortunately the clocks never did perform as intended and this type of escapement is not widely used.

More details on this design, and interpretations by other builders, can be found on Clayton Boyer's website.

This version is made from Buginga, Cherry, Birds Eye Maple, Quartersawn Oak, Ebony

Price: Not for Sale

R5 - "A Remontoire Clock"

An original Lignum Tempus design

This was my first original design and as I was working through different design options, a lot of my inspiration came from the Clayton Boyer designs that I had built up to this point.

This version is made from Peruvian Walnut, Birds Eye Maple, Quartersawn Oak, Redheart

More details can be found here.

Price: $4,600

R6 - "Epicyclic"

A Clayton Boyer design

This Clayton Boyer design was my sixth clock and was built at two thirds scale from the original.

More details on this design, and other fine examples by other builders, can be found on Clayton Boyer's website.

This version is made from Bubinga, Cherry, Purpleheart, Redheart.

Price: Not for sale

R7 - "A Simple Clock"

An original Lignum Tempus design

This was my second original design and my first commissioned piece.

This version is made from Bubinga, Curly Maple, Quartersawn Oak, Ebony

More details can be found here.

Price: $1,000


R8 - "Wall Clock with Grasshopper Escapement"

An original Lignum Tempus design

This original design features a "grasshopper escapement" which imparts a wonderful sense of movement to the clock as it silently counts off the hours. A hand rubbed shellac finish softly reflects the light making this an heirloom quality piece.

More details can be found here.

Price: $4,800


R9 - “An Eight Day Clock”

An original Lignum Tempus design

This original design features a "grasshopper escapement" which imparts a wonderful sense of movement to the clock as it silently counts off the hours. A hand rubbed shellac finish softly reflects the light making this an heirloom quality piece.

More details can be found here.

Price: $8,800